- avro-libs - A data serialization system
- bigtop-jsvc - Application to launch java daemon
- bigtop-utils - Collection of useful tools for Bigtop
- blahp - gLite BLAHP daemon
- cctools - Cooperative Computing Tools
- cilogon-openid-ca-cert - OSG Packaging of the CILogon CA Certs, in new OpenSSL 0.9.8/1.0.0 format
- cvmfs-gateway - CernVM-FS Repository Gateway
- cvmfs-x509-helper - CernVM File System Authz Helper
- glideinwms - The glidein Workload Management System (glideinWMS)
- glite-ce-cream-client-api-c - Transitional dummy package for glite-ce-cream-client-api-c
- globus-gridftp-osg-extensions - OSG extensions for the Globus GridFTP server
- globus-gridftp-server - Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server
- gridftp-dsi-posix - DSI library and POSIX preload
- gridftp-hdfs - HDFS DSI plugin for GridFTP
- gsi-openssh - An implementation of the SSH protocol with GSI authentication
- hadoop - Hadoop is a software platform for processing vast amounts of data
- hosted-ce-tools - Tools for managing OSG Hosted CEs
- igtf-ca-certs - OSG Packaging of the IGTF CA Certs, in the OpenSSL 1.0.* format.
- javascriptrrd - A package to render RRD databases in javascript using Flot
- lcas-lcmaps-gt4-interface - Mapping interface between Globus Toolkit and LCAS/LCMAPS
- lcmaps - Grid (X.509) and VOMS credentials to local account mapping service
- lcmaps-plugins-verify-proxy - Proxy verification plugin for LCMAPS
- lcmaps-plugins-voms - VOMS plugins for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- llrun - Performs a test run for LCAS and/or LCMAPS
- myproxy - Manage X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security credentials
- oidc-agent - Command-line tool for obtaining OpenID Connect access tokens
- osg-ca-certs - OSG Packaging of the IGTF CA Certs and OSG-specific CAs, in the OpenSSL 1.0.* format.
- osg-ce - OSG Compute Element
- osg-configure - Configuration tool for the OSG Software Stack
- osg-flock - OSG configurations for a flocking host
- osg-gridftp - Standalone OSG GridFTP with LCMAPS VOMS support
- osg-gsi-openssh-addons - OSG additions for gsi-openssh
- osg-oasis - OSG metapackage for OASIS and CVMFS
- osg-release - OSG Software for Enterprise Linux repository configuration
- osg-release-itb - OSG Software for Enterprise Linux repository configuration
- osg-scitokens-mapfile - Scitokens mapfile for OSG
- osg-se-hadoop - OSG Hadoop Storage Element package for RPM distribution
- osg-system-profiler - Profiles your system for debugging
- osg-token-renewer - oidc-agent token renewal service and timer
- osg-update-vos - VO data updater for OSG
- osg-wn-client - OSG Worker-Node Client
- osg-xrootd - OSG configuration files for XRootD
- python-jwt - JSON Web Token implementation in Python
- python-scitokens - SciToken reference implementation library
- rsv - Transitional dummy package for rsv
- scitokens-cpp - C++ Implementation of the SciTokens Library
- scitokens-credmon - SciTokens credential monitor for use with HTCondor
- stashcache-client - StashCache client tools
- uberftp - GridFTP-enabled ftp client
- vault - Vault is a tool for securely accessing secrets
- vo-client - Contains vomses file for use with user authentication
- voms - Virtual Organization Membership Service
- vomsxrd - VOMS attribute extractor plug-in for XRootD
- xrootd-multiuser - Multiuser filesystem writing plugin for xrootd
- xrootd-scitokens - SciTokens authentication plugin for XRootD
- zookeeper - A high-performance coordination service for distributed applications.