
vault - Vault is a tool for securely accessing secrets

Website: https://www.vaultproject.io/
License: MPL
Vendor: Koji
Vault secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords,
certificates, API keys, and other secrets in modern computing. Vault handles
leasing, key revocation, key rolling, and auditing. Through a unified API, users
can access an encrypted Key/Value store and network encryption-as-a-service, or
generate AWS IAM/STS credentials, SQL/NoSQL databases, X.509 certificates, SSH
credentials, and more.


vault-1.8.4-1.osg35.el7.src [842.4 MiB] Changelog by Dave Dykstra (2021-11-04):
- Update to upstream 1.8.4
vault-1.8.2-1.osg35.el7.src [843.6 MiB] Changelog by Dave Dykstra (2021-08-27):
- Update to upstream 1.8.2
vault-1.7.3-1.osg35.el7.src [203.6 MiB] Changelog by Dave Dykstra (2021-06-17):
- Update to upstream 1.7.3
vault-1.7.2-1.osg35.el7.src [207.0 MiB] Changelog by Dave Dykstra (2021-05-20):
- Update to upstream 1.7.2, a security release.
vault-1.7.1-1.osg35.el7.src [773.5 MiB] Changelog by Dave Dykstra (2021-04-21):
- Update to upstream 1.7.1.  Add patch for el7 to allow go 1.15.5.
- Stop disabling vault service on upgrade.
vault-1.6.2-1.osg35.el7.src [685.1 MiB] Changelog by Dave Dykstra (2021-02-17):
- Initial build

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7